The American Society of Civil Engineers was founded in New York City on November 5, 1852. Twelve engineers—Julius W. Adams, J. W. Ayres, Alfred W. Craven, Thomas A. Emmet, Edward Gardiner, Robert B. Gorsuch, G. S. Greene, James Laurie, W. H. Morell, S. S. Post, W. H. Talcott, and W. H. Sidell—met at the offices of the Croton Aqueduct and formed the American Society of Civil Engineers and Architects. It was the first national engineering society created in the United States

Bringing Civil Engineers Together in Northwest Ohio

Section Boundary.jpg

The Toledo Section was created in 1922 and encompasses 17 counties; Williams, Defiance, Paulding, Van Wert, Fulton, Henry, Putnam, Allen, Lucas, Wood, Hancock, Hardin, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, Wyandot, and Crawford

The Toledo Section also has two affiliated universities with in the area; Ohio Northern University and The University of Toledo. More information for each university is listed below

The University of Toledo

The University of Toledo can trace a long association with technical and vocational studies, since it began as The Toledo University of Arts and Trades in 1872. The College of Industrial Science was established in 1910. In 1911 Allen R. Cullimore, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was named Dean and Professor of Civil Engineering (CE), serving as the only full time faculty member in the College. A two-year curriculum was offered with articulation agreements with The Ohio State University and The University of Michigan to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering. The College of Industrial Science was absorbed as a department in the College of Arts and Sciences from 1922 until 1931, when it became a separate College of Engineering (COE). The COE initiated a four-year Bachelor of Engineering degree. The curriculum in general engineering was first accredited in 1942 by the Engineers Council for Professional Development (ECPD), a forerunner of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The College was departmentalized in 1950 and a separate Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering was authorized. The undergraduate program first became ECPD accredited in 1950 and has been continuously accredited by ECPD (which became ABET in 1980) ever since.

ASCE Student Chapter information to come in the future!

Current UT ASCE Officers

President - Cannon Moser

Vice President - Will Boyd

Secretary - Andrew Williams

Treasurer - Emma Core

Event Coordinator- Triston Hughes

Social Chair - Allison McDowell

Ohio Northern University

T.J. Smull College of Engineering


The civil engineering students at Ohio Northern University have been organized as a student chapter within the Toledo Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers since 1927. 

As early as its founding in 1871, the university included a course in surveying.  A department of civil engineering was organized in 1880 with its first graduate in 1882.  The first record of a formal organization for engineering students was the American Association of Engineers which was on campus from 1919 until 1925.  Out of this group, which served all engineering students, the ONU Civil Engineering Society was established in 1926 and petitioned national ASCE for a student chapter which was granted the following year.

In 2000 the chapter was officially named the Dr. Kanti L. Shah Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers in recognition of Dr. Shah who served as the chapter’s faculty advisor for 30 years.

In recent years the chapter has been recognized by the National organization with Letters of Commendation, Zone II Vice President’s Awards and as a finalist for the Ridgeway Award.

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Current ONU ASCE Officers

President - Joshua Lamparyk

Vice President - Stacey Legg

Secretary - Sarah Markley

Treasurer - Jackson Walsh

Event Coordinator- Sarah Martin

Service Chair - Drew Hurley

Public Relations - Caven Wiles

Freshman Outreach - Mollie Kinkead