
Past President - Adam Hoff, P.E.

Adam Hoff is a graduate from Ohio Northern University with a BSCE in 1990, Adam has over 28 years of practical experience in the planning, permitting, funding, design and construction of public utility, treatment and roadway infrastructures.  Adam’s professional experience includes serving as a Project Engineer/Manager for the former Finkbeiner, Pettis & Strout, Ltd., City Engineer for the City of Napoleon and Office Lead/Principal for Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Projects have included planning, design, bidding and construction phase engineering services for a wide assortment of projects, ranging from small water mains and gravity sewers to deep, large diameter conveyance and storage systems to roadway reconstruction, as well as regulatory negotiations.  He has been responsible for the development and review of water and sewer rate studies, as well as plan review and inspection services for residential, commercial and industrial developments.  Adam is registered as a professional engineer in good standing in Ohio and Michigan.  Adam joined the ASCE Board in May 2018
